Monday, March 15, 2010

I Must Brag

I need to Brag about James for a minute...

I can not tell you what a winner I have. You would think after going through 5 pregnancies with sick, grumpy me he would have thrown in the towel long ago. But no. He is not only still here, but he is amazing. He has made dinner every night since I have been sick. He folds laundry and puts it away. He does the dishes, cleans the house and puts the kids to bed. He even changed the cat liter box once. He nearly vomited doing that! =)

What a trooper! I will never complain again when I see his socks a foot from the hamper. Those socks belong to the best husband in the world.


Kari said...

yup! you a lucky, blessed girl! You totally deserve it too missy. Don't you forget that!

Tami said...

ohhhh....I am so glad James takes good care of you!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you are well taken care of :) Thank goodness for sweet husbands, right? :)

tracy said...


Robin Hansen said...

Well, I must brag a little bit :) He learned from the best :) his Dad is a wonderful example!! And see, all those chores paid off - he did learn something from having to clean and put clothes away. Yea!! :)