I did one of the hardest things of my life over the weekend (Besides given birth without an epidural, that is)... I ran a half marathon!! I hate to toot my own horn but I am pretty dang proud of myself. It was not so bad until the last mile and a half. The last leg of the race was a slight incline and I had walked for a minute to get an energy block and then I just had a hard time starting up again. But I did start running again, but I was so tired I didn't know how the heck I was going to run another mile and half. Thank goodness for my heaven sent friend, Sue, who is an awesome runner and finished the race before me and then turned around and came back and met me. She ran the last mile with me. She was so inspiring and helped me make it that last little bit. Here I am at the end of the race!
This picture cracks me up because I can't tell what I was thinking...It is one of two things, "Why did I just do that??" or "Who will catch me when I fall."