Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My answer

Okay, I just got this video clip from a friends blog (thanks Karen) just moments after I wrote the post just before this one...I am amazed at how the Lord works. This video is SO amazing...I will always be amazed at how much my Father in Heaven loves me and I thank him for the things he places in my path at percicly the exact time that I need them.

I love how the Lord doesn't always solve our problems, he just gives us PEACE, and a way to be able to keep going...

Read the post just before this one and then watch this video.


David said...

the lesson in the video is a deep and wonderful.

I probably feel it deepest when I don't even know I'm helping somebody else and they come up to me and tell me that I had a good influence on them.

you may not know all the people you touch...

this was a very good question-answer lesson :) such wonderful things to remember as life seems to get tough.

Tami said...

Thanks for sharing this Taush